
We’re at our best when we are “forming children and youth in the way of Christ.” Minister of families, Cody Davidson, and the rest of our children’s team lead this remarkable ministry.

Children’s Worship:

Children’s church is based on a monthly rotation model during the 11:00 service. Each month, children’s church is grounded in the same Bible story, but each week focuses on a different lesson learned from the Bible story and taught in a different manner. Robin Taylor, Hope Craig, Adam Reid, and Kelly Rowe will each be leading a lesson once a month. Robin will be teaching through Storytelling/drama. Hope will be teaching through arts and crafts. Adam will be teaching through science and recreation and Kelly will be teaching through mission. On fifth Sundays, Cody will be teaching through cooking. Also, each week, Cody will be assisting with the lessons and one child will be briefly sharing with the congregation the lessons learned from that morning. During the 9:45 worship service, Cody delivers a Children’s Sermon.

Children’s Church’s Bible Stories:

May – Hannah, Samuel, and Eli, 1 Samuel 1:1-28 and 3:1-21
June – Jesus and the children, Matthew 19:13-15
July – Moses and his sister, Exodus 1:8-2:10
August – Jesus heals a young woman, Mark 5:21-24, 35-43
September – God choses Joshua, Joshua 1:1-9 and 3:1-4:24
October – The road to Emmaus, Luke 24:13-25
November – David and Goliath, 1 Samuel 17:1-51
December – Elizabeth and Zechariah, Luke 1:5-25

Scheduled Rotation:

June 5      Robin Taylor
June 12    Adam Reid
June 19    Hope Craig
June 26    Carole Jarvis

Sunday School: 

Pre-K – Holly LeCompte
K-3rd grade – Sara Taylor
4th-8th grades – Jill Singer

July 28 – 31: Vacation Bible School

Register today at for our fun filled community wide vacation bible school! Ecumenical Vacation Bible school with FOOD TRUCK PARTY theme featuring Bible stories about God feeding us and taking care of us!

For kids Pre-K through 6 grade.

Participating churches: Midway Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), Midway Baptist Church, Midway United Methodist, St. Matthew AME Church, Midway Christian Church (DOC)



PASSPORTkids is a 4-day, 3-night children’s camp filled with fun faith-building programming and hands-on missions education. It is for students who have completed 3rd – 6th grade. If you have an interest in attending as a chaperon or as a camper, please let Cody know as soon as possible. Our first choice for camp location date is Berea College, June 21-24. If you would like more information about PASSPORTKids camp, please see their website, PASSPORTkids | Summer Camp For Children’s Ministry (,

Youth and Children Fundraisers:

On Sunday, July 17, come to the Ministry Center at 9:30, after the first service, and enjoy a pancake breakfast. Whether you like strawberry and banana, chocolate chip, or anything in-between, there will be a pancake for you. Please come out and allow the youth and children to serve you. Donations to the Youth and Children ministries accepted.
Parent Point Persons: Darin Hensley and Kenny Tackett

MEALS TO GO! TBD (September)
In the past, many church members have graciously and generously supported the Youth and Children’s ministries by donating items for an auction preceding Mother’s Day. In lieu of this auction, we would like to provide the opportunity for church members to support the Youth and Children’s ministry by working together to prepare pre-planned meals for other church members. Here is how it will work. We would like two or three households to work together to plan and prepare a meal. For example, one person may do the protein, a second person the sides, and a third person the dessert. After everyone has decided on their meal, we will have a silent auction to award the meals. After the silent auction, all the meals will be prepared brought to church on the same Sunday morning (exceptions can be arranged). After church, each household will take home their meal.
Parent Point Person:

Parent Point Person: Paula Tackett